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Join our Young Hospitallers

We need young people with passion, creativity, availability and hospitality.

The Hospitaller youth pastoral provides young people with training in Christianity. It fosters knowledge and closeness to Jesus, Good Samaritan, through catechesis, liturgy and sacrament. Moreover, it provides them the experience of the community. In other words, it stimulates the commitment to solidarity with the sick and the needy. Further, it helps them discover their vocation in the Church. This way, the young ones are ready to fulfill God’s project in their lives.

  • We invite you to join the group of Young Hospitallers. You have the opportunity to learn more about Jesus. Similarly, of joining His project of Hospitality for those who need you.
  • We offer you experiences with Hospitality. The purpose, therefore, is to discover the reality of sickness. Further, it allows you to offer your service and solidarity.
  • Participate in the Hospitaller Easter Celebrations. Live the Holy Week from the prayer and hospitaller service with more young people.
  • Take part in our prayer encounters. Starting from the Hospitaller spirituality to discover the vocation to which you are called.

We are waiting for you!

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